path of devotion summer session: play + pray

creating rhythms, rituals + routine that support change

In this practice class, you’ll learn how to work with the most basic rhythms of your day to establish routines and set up rituals to help you deepen your capacity to be present and available to your own wisdom, your beloveds, the collective and the world. Simple audio recordings and prompts delivered on email explain how to create a 3Rs plan that can ground you and reconnect you to your most true way of knowing. Included in this class: summer strategies for diving deeper into play in the time of COVID and ways to pray that change your community not just your mood.


if it’s easy, let’s do it right now. if it’s hard, let’s do it together.


introduction to the 3Rs

We’ll look at how the simplest rhythms, routines and rituals can create stability and help ground us in what matters the very most. We’ll make space for joy, openness and collective care in our daily 3Rs practice. .


four weeks of practice

Working with the 3Rs takes time. Each week we’ll focus on a different aspect of the 3Rs, so that you can implement what you’re learning in a slow and steady way. We’ll also pay attention to what is getting in the way.


summer focus: play + pray

Summer is the time to return to the body, to pleasure, to our instincts, to the call of the soul. In this special summer session, you’ll learn how playfulness + prayer help us move toward less colonized and colonizing ways of being.

this class is delivered on email via audio + zoom.
here’s the plan:

Week One:

Week Two:

Week Three:

Week Four:


Special love and care given in this process for beloveds with neurodivergent brains, bodies requiring special care, anyone with attachment challenges or economic or family situations that compete with you moving in rhythm, ritual and routine. Together we can find gentle ways.